
講師登録日 2012年07月12日
名前 Oyet
性別 Female
年齢 42 Years old
最終学歴 Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in Social Science, Cebu Normal University, year 2003
Web camera
自己紹介(英文) Hi everyone! I’m teacher Oyet. I have been teaching English for seven long years. English language is evolving and for us to become a successful English learner we have to listen, speak, write and most of all, THINK in ENGLISH. Remember that learning English requires action. You will be successful only if you change something about your life. Don’t put it off. Begin now. And it would be a pleasure to have you in my class. See you then.
事務局コメント 講師Oyetは、英会話あ学校での指導経験が約7年あるベテラン英語講師です。とても明るく元気な講師です。

  1. Stating an opinion
  2. Asking About Preferences
  3. Culture shock and adapting a new environment
  4. Changing Times ( Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow)
  5. Possible Consequences of daily events
  6. Nursing Homes for Aged
  7. Growing Population
  8. Human Cloning
  9. Life after retirement
  10. Accepting and Declining an Invitation
  11. Conversation Questions on Qualifications
  12. Downsizing workers
  13. Welcoming visitors
  14. Political nightmares
  15. The Life coach
  16. Jordan Politician pulls gun in TV debate
  17. Anger disorder high among U.S. teens
  18. Learn in your sleep, researchers say
  19. Russia means business in Euro 2012 win
  20. Old people smell nicer than young people
  21. Remote control inventor dies aged 96
  22. World's first underwater mosque built
  23. Child poverty grows as cities expand
  24. The friendliest countries in the world
  25. 2012 to be better than 2011
Lesson evaluation

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Teacher Date Lesson
Eager degree English
Oyet 10/31/2017 Square-trial best best best best best best 普段は緊張してあまり話せないのですが、先生のサポートのおかげで緊張することなく会話を楽しむことができました。
Oyet 2/24/2015 Free best best best best best best Whenever I attend her lesson, I'm satisfied with a substantial discussion.My English skill is not so good but she adjusts her question as much as she can.It's very usuful.She is the best teacher here.
Oyet 12/26/2014 Free best best best best best best She is always heartwarming and perfect.
Oyet 11/17/2014 Free best best best best best best I think her eagerness is the key of her popularity. She throws all her energies on my talk, whereas there’s even a teacher typing something else with web cam closed while my talking. I hope many teachers’ attitudes are like teacher Oyet.
Oyet 10/23/2014 Square-trial best best best better best best I like her understanding personality and teaching.
Oyet 10/21/2014 Free best best best best best best Her lesson is very useful and she prepares many articles quickly anytime. If I'm confused with my answer, she tries to ask me another way but it's a same meaning.In addtion, her lesson doesn't have any useless time.
Oyet 7/10/2014 Free best best best best best best 超高速で様々な視点から問題を投げかけてくれるので、毎回非常に密度の濃い時間を過ごしています。毎回のレッスンがとても楽しみです。これからも宜しくお願いします。
Oyet 11/18/2013 Free best better better better better best She is so friendly and plus her knowledge is amazing. She can talk a lot even about Japanese ecnomy.
Oyet 10/16/2013 Free best best best best best best Her lesson is rhythmical and energetic. She always gives me correct sentence very quickly or rephrases it in natural English immediately.
Oyet 9/13/2013 Free best best best best best best She is great teacher. She cheer me up always her support is marvelous. I think she is best teacher.
Oyet 9/5/2013 Free best best best better best best
Oyet 7/13/2013 Free better better better better better better
Oyet 6/18/2013 Speech-trial best best best best best best 私が自己紹介で話し過ぎて、肝心の、願っていたトピックレッスンが8分くらいで、それも殆ど私の朗読だけで終わってしまった。よりよい授業を受ける時には、自分自身も気をつけなければと反省しきり。先生は大変フレンドリで、なるべく話させるよう仕向けた。ポンポンと会話が弾み楽しかった。
Oyet 5/3/2013 Free best best best best best best She's very good!!
Oyet 5/2/2013 Main best best best best best best
Oyet 5/1/2013 Main best best best best best best
Oyet 4/30/2013 Main best best best best best best
Oyet 4/27/2013 Main best best best best best best She always has a smile on her face.
Oyet 4/26/2013 Main best best best best best best
Oyet 4/25/2013 Free best good better best best best いつも予約で一杯の講師で前から気になっていました。とても楽しそうに会話をしてくれ、またユーモアを交えて様々なが質問を投げかけてくれ、そこが人気の理由と感じました。英語の教え方が上手かどうかはよく分かりませんでしたが、発音が日本人にとって聞き取りやすく、また機会があれば授業を受けたいと感じさせてくれました。
Oyet 4/24/2013 Main best best best best best best she's teaching for my personal growth.
Oyet 4/17/2013 Free best best best better best best I enjoyed her lesson because she taught me the suitable word when I didn't remember the new word. It's helpful to me. In addition, she chooses interesting topic which suits my level.
Oyet 3/30/2013 Free better better better better better better
Oyet 3/16/2013 Free best best best best best best Her personalty is nice. I can easily to lisen her english.
Oyet 2/28/2013 Main best best best better best best 明るく元気で、話題に対してどんどん話を引っ張っていってもらえます。
Oyet 1/28/2013 Free best best best better best best いつもとても熱心でわからないことはチャットボックスにすぐ書いてくれます。毎回、学ぶことが必ずあって、ますますやる気がわいてきます。
Oyet 1/8/2013 Main best best No answer best best best She is very rich in topics of conversation. So she cultivates my listening ability of English.
Oyet 12/27/2012 Main best good No answer No answer best better To tell the truth your speech is so fast for me that I can't hear you well. But I wonder why I could understand intentions about what you said. Maybe it's thanks to your skill of coaching.
Oyet 11/1/2012 Free best best best best best best She is quick-witted.
So,the conversation with her doer not berak off.
It is comfortable for me.
Oyet 10/31/2012 Free best good worse worse best best Oyet who,being so kind, friendly as well as humble, made me so happy, must be not only one of good teachers but also one of important citizens who could devote a lot her country in which they need to change a lot econmicaly, politicaly in sence of that she is doing things well so far, I belive. I was so happy to have taken her session.
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